...He might test you, to do you good in the end— ~Deuteronomy 8:16c NKJV
Jesus is the great burden-bearer. I don’t know about you, but too often when trouble enters my life, I have first sought out and accepted anyone and everyone, who professes concern for me, hoping to find the comfort and relief I am desperately needing. Whenever I do this, I find I have created a painful delay in receiving the very things I crave the most! The truth is, none of us need to look beyond God to find the guidance and wisdom we are seeking when burdened.
All things that touch our lives will unfold in perfect order as God has planned them, if we allow Him the freedom to shape our circumstances and lead us in the right decisions.
It is good to remember...the Lord is merciful and kind. He loves us beyond measure. He intends to do us good, and He will bring into our lives those who can truly help us, if we leave it all in His capable hands.
God’s Word assures us that the Lord’s plans are ones that will ultimately prosper us. He wants us to know Him, and to know him more intimately. When difficulties come, it is by His order and filtered through his fingers for our benefit.
When others say you have trouble. God says you have a test.
The test we face in life may seem impossible to pass...but our God who gives the test...also provides the answer.
“Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke, and learn from me. I’m gentle and humble. And you will find rest for yourselves. ~ Matthew 11:28-29 Common English Bible